Chelsey Azevedo is a fourth year Viticulture and Enology major from Salida, California. When she was young, she often went to work with her father at Delicato Family Vineyards.
Two seminars were held at the UC Davis Oakville Station in July and August in the Julio Gallo Conference room. The first focused on mechanistic modeling of vineyard terroir in north-central Italy, and the second dealt with climate change and drought.
Congressman John Garamendi honored BAE professor Jean VanderGheynst during the 2016 Women of the Year Awards ceremony on Thursday, October 13. The award recognizes outstanding women of the 3rd Congressional District.
Congratulations to Carlos Orozco-Gonzalez and Umayr Sufi who won the World Food Center's Video Challenge with their video that explains how one tool engineered at UC Davis is advancing the science behind drying and storing food in developing countries.