The VEN 124L Experience: A Dive into Wine Production

Student removing grapes from a tank
Red winegrapes
Grapes before the crush. Photo by Jael Mackendorf

At UC Davis, the VEN 124L Wine Production laboratory course offers students a hands-on immersion into the world of winemaking, combining the science of fermentation with the common sense and dynamic process of wine production. This course, currently taught by Dr. Ben Montpetit, goes beyond the typical lab setting by providing students the opportunity to make red and white wines at the 500-gallon scale in the UC Davis Teaching and Research Winery. Using equipment that is applying the most advanced technology available, students are provided a truly immersive, real-world learning experience.

Winemaker talks to the students in front of a tank.
UC Davis Winemaker Leticia Chacon-Rodriguez talks to the students. 
Photo by Jael Mackendorf

From the first day, the course sets the tone by emphasizing the importance of safety and sanitization in the winery environment, a crucial foundation for all winemaking processes. As the weeks progress, students roll up their sleeves and engage directly as a team in the making of red and white wines at production scale. Using fruit from the Oakville AVA in Napa, students navigate juice and must additions (e.g., winery math), fermentation management, and the impact of winemaking decisions on the final product.

An exciting additional aspect of VEN 124L is the opportunity for students to craft their own individual wine. Guided by the instructors, students experiment with production techniques on a smaller scale (i.e., 15 gallons), exploring the effects of their choices in a real, hands-on setting. This practical approach allows them to learn by doing, testing, adjusting, and understanding the implications of each step in the winemaking process. It’s not just about following a recipe; it’s about learning to think like a winemaker, making decisions in real time that will shape the quality and character of their wines. 

During the course, students visit a production facility to learn about sparkling wine – Domaine Carneros in 2023 and Mumm in 2024 – which provides them both knowledge and the ability to network and learn from those in the industry. This extends to learning about challenges typical of any working winery through discussions with industry guests (e.g., in 2023 this included speakers from Lallemand and Treasury Wine Estates) who bring valuable firsthand knowledge and advice. These interactive discussions allow students to apply their growing understanding to real-world scenarios, preparing them to tackle such issues in their future careers.

Students smells glass of red wine in front of tank.
V&E 124L Student, Nikita Kadjak, as she draws from the Ramey tank. 
Photo by Jael Mackendorf

The experience culminates in a final class tasting. Here, students evaluate the wines they’ve made, reflecting on their choices and the outcomes. It’s a moment of both celebration and learning—tasting not just wine, but the result of 10 weeks of dedication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

VEN 124L isn’t just a course; it’s a journey through the intricate, hands-on world of wine production, where students learn to combine technical skills with common sense decision-making. It prepares them not only to understand winemaking as a process but to appreciate the craft that transforms grapes into a quality bottle of wine.
