FST's Pilot Plant Manager, Amy Fletcher, was featured in an inspiring Equity Lab article in the Sacramento Bee on December 14th, 2021, "‘It almost seems radical’: Sacramento Black women hiking group finds health, community". Fletcher is passionate about her involvement in Black Women Hike Sacramento meetup group, which was founded in 2018 to bring the experience of hiking in nature to underserved communities.
Fletcher and the group were also featured in a news segment on local affiliate ABC10 in November.
In these continuing pandemic times, it's a good reminder that self-care includes care for our communities as well. Thanks for being a leader, Amy!
You can read the article here: https://www.sacbee.com/news/equity-lab/article256461226.html and find more information at the group's Instagram account, here: https://www.instagram.com/blackwomenhike_sac/