Students who are working on End of Waste, the food waste prevention project under the Department of Food Science and Technology, were fortunate enough to be featured at the 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show. The project team presented their product, Mocha Bite, made from 40% upcycled material. The specific upcycled materials in the mocha bite include almond pomace (the byproduct of creating almond milk) and coffee grounds leftover from cold-brew coffee production.
The students have been working on creating a bar that maximizes the amount of food waste prevented while also ensuring the bar tastes great. They were encouraged to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback from individuals trying the product for the first time. Many visitors specifically applauded UC Davis for demonstrating leadership in research evidenced by the product, which represented only one of two novel products created with upcycled materials.
While at the show, the students also had the chance to connect with UC Davis alumni, who often approached the booth with an exclamation of “Go Aggies!” before settling into a conversation about the new food product developed at their alma mater.
The excitement and momentum from the show has already been leveraged to push forward with the development of six new flavors in the three weeks since the expo. More products will be on their way as End of Waste shows that these overlooked byproducts are food, not waste.